Tips for Small Businesses to Thrive In the New Year

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The new year is upon us, and that brings a time of reflection, both personal and professional. If you're a small business owner, this may one of the times each year where you assess if your business is thriving or if you could do anything to improve its current status and thus, longevity.

If your answer is that your business is doing better than ever, that's amazing, keep doing what you're doing! However, if your answer is "Meh" or "Yikes, I need to implement something fast!," then here are a few tips that could improve your situation.


Let's face it, algorithms and other rules are changing every day, and many small business owners would prefer to be able to focus on their passion projects regarding their business than try to keep up with SEO and Instagram Stories. While marketing is certainly possibly via DIY, if you feel like your business is lacking, then it's possible you could benefit from hiring a marketing manager or company. Conducting research on which type is right for you is important and it would be wonderful to hire someone local to you, if possible!

IT (Information Technology)

Is some, or all, of your business conducted online? Nowadays, there are so many security breaches, malware infections and other heinous crimes against businesses, particularly smaller ones that tend to be less protected, that it's vital to invest in a company such as to help thwart those attacks and maintain the cybersecurity protection that you need to remain online and open for business.


As your business grows, so does your need to make sure your books are accurate and properly managed. Unless you went to school for accounting, or were taught by a professional, it may be time to invest in an accountant and relieve yourself from some of the stresses of running a business. If your budget is small, consider hiring a recent accounting graduate in your area, but remember, they put in their time and energy to earn that diploma, so still pay them well.

We at Spread Your Sunshine hope that these tips provided you with value and that you consider them when reflecting on how you'd like to see the new year unfold.