Spreading Your Sunshine by Uplifting Others

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Spread Your Sunshine Founder Melanie S. Griffin, Esq. was recently the Featured Guest on The Wing Woman Show podcast hosted by Morgan Barse. As further detailed in Spreading Her Sunshine with Stationery with Melanie Griffin, this presentation discusses the paths people take from careers to recognizing their passions, and how to manage your fears, doubts and time.
Sadly, too many people are not given the tools needed in order to pursue their passions from an early age, and oftentimes they ultimately choose what is safe. In doing so, they learn quite a bit throughout their journey, but eventually find themselves in a place feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled. Through platforms and products like Spread Your Sunshine, adults and youth alike are able to hear the testimonies of others’ struggles, recognize that they are not alone, and gain confidence within themselves to pursue their own passions.
Where Would You Be If You Had to Start Over?
Due to several factors, whether it be initial lack of resources, lack of financial or emotional support, or perhaps just a change of heart, many people find themselves quitting careers and pursuing entrepreneur life in order to find fulfillment. It’s becoming more and more popular to quit stable corporate jobs that tend to lack purpose, respect or just fail to challenge us any longer. Society is currently experiencing a major shift, as more people are recognizing their worth and taking more risks. Many are manifesting their dreams by simply imagining themselves driving passed large banner frames with the logo and name of their business! If you had to do it all over again with the knowledge you have, would you do it all the same or would you do it differently?
It’s important to recognize that literally everyone is struggling in some way. No one has it all figured out, but for too long, people have pretended like they do and social media can aid in these illusions. Because of this, it is easy to begin comparing yourself to others, but we all prioritize different aspects of our lives and they manifest in different ways. Some people prioritize their work, others their families and still others prioritize other relationships they are cultivating. You have to find ways to be comfortable in your own skin, to be authentic, because much of life is being able to look back and say, “Was I happy?” It’s imperative that you learn to be happy with what you are doing and what you have chosen to do.
When you find unique ways to streamline what you are passionate about, people appreciate that. Also, once you step into your purpose and begin living authentically, opportunities will come pouring in. As mentioned in the podcast, Melanie had built a successful career as a lawyer, but began to realize that her passion was actually in serving and inspiring others, a feat she was unable to do to her full potential in her corporate career. She initially attempted to pursue both simultaneously, but then recognized that this just left her with no more time to give. After making the decision to go “Of Counsel” in order to pursue what she truly desired, opportunities for speaking, writing and going on podcasts arose and now she has the best of all worlds. Although, maintaining a healthy work-life balance still has its challenges.
Hopefully this has given you some insight on how to pinpoint your own passions and give you the courage to take that first step to pursuing them, if you haven’t already.
To listen to this podcast in its entirety, please click here.
Now that you have several strategies to pursing your own passions, is there additional information you want to receive from Spread Your Sunshine?! We’re sure there is, so please share your ideas by emailing Melanie@SpreadYourSunshine.com or sending Spread Your Sunshine a message via Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or Twitter. We love hearing from you, as together we are strongest.
© 2021 Spread Your Sunshine, LLC