Register for the Goals to Riches Mastery, A Complimentary Virtual Summit

Next Monday, October 5th, Spread Your Sunshine Founder Melanie S. Griffin, Esq. is the Opening Guest Expert regarding Leadership for the Goals to Riches Mastery, a Complimentary Virtual Summit, who will be followed by seven additional Featured Guests. A powerful, transformative summit, this virtual event is the chance for entrepreneurs, executives and business owners to connect with global experts who like Melanie, attain massive success in Goal Achievement, Leadership, Mindset, Productivity, Overcoming Adversity and Building Killer Networks and Circles of Influence. You can declare, own, and achieve your dreams by joining these influential experts who have mastered these topics and will offer you tips, advice, and guidance to own your goals and create the riches in your career, business and life that you deserve.
For more information and to register for the Mastery, please visit: Melanie's presentation will specifically include key takeaways regarding:
• Recognizing and changing negative behavior and self-talk;
• Shining yourself and others through the glass ceiling; and
• Empowering yourself and others with the confidence necessary to adopt a growth mindset, overcome the fear of failure, and seek out new and exciting challenges.
Only 500 spots are available for this not-to-miss growth opportunity. Register for yours today at:
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