Overcoming the Fear of Failure: Podcast Interview with Erica Castner

Spread Your Sunshine Founder Melanie S. Griffin, Esq. was recently the Featured Guest on Episode 18 of Erica Castner's Love the Work You Do Podcast. Entitled Overcome the Fear of Failing, Melanie and Erica discussed how your perceived imperfections, or "failures," are not negative experiences, but positive learning opportunities that when harnessed, are a hidden super power that propel you forward. To illustrate this point, Melanie shares her own professional challenges to describe how she taught herself to think positively even in situations that otherwise would be considered "complete failures." Her hope is that the audience learns from her experiences and uses available resources, from mentors to marketing platforms, to be of service to their communities, thereby constantly achieving more in business.

To listen to this interview, please click here. Love what you hear? You can subscribe, download, and share the show, all from this link. Erica's notes on the podcast, as well as links to resources mentioned and additional podcast episodes you may love, are also included.

And, to hear more from Melanie and Erica, follow SpreadYourSunshine and EricaQueenieCastner on Instagram. You can also learn more about Erica's training and career coaching business, as well as read her blog, by visiting: https://ericacastner.com/.

Also, do YOU have additional tips that will help the SYS community?! We’re sure you do, so please share your advice by emailing Melanie at Melanie@SpreadYourSunshine.com or by sending Spread Your Sunshine a message via FacebookInstagramLinkedIn or Twitter. We love hearing from you, as together we are strongest.

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