How to Keep Your Customers Satisfied

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Bad customer service can ruin a business if done consistently. No matter how great your prices or how beautiful your product is, if you don’t provide quality customer service on a consistent basis, people aren’t going to want to return to purchase from you again. They’ll also likely tell those closest to them about their experience. Here are some tips that will help cultivate loyal, satisfied customers.
Pay Your Employees a Thriving Wage and Treat Them with Respect
Too often in business, profit is the number one driving factor, and this leaves employees struggling to survive, as most companies pay as little as possible in order to extract the maximum amount of profit for those at the top. Your employees are the face of your business, they’re the ones interacting with customers, and it is only logical that when they are paid what they’re worth and treated with respect, that they will in turn pass that on to the people interested in purchasing your products. When employees win, customers win and when customers win, your business wins.
Profit Should Not Be Your Number One Driving Factor, Building Community and Providing a Service to Those in Need Should Take Precedent
Understandably, profit is needed to sustain your business and continue to pay your employees thriving wages, but it should not be the reason you decide to launch a business. In fact, it shouldn’t even be in the top five. Finding a need in a community and then providing it is the first step in mapping out one’s business plan, and that community should always remain at the forefront of why you continue.
Be Open to Feedback from Customers and Employees and Be Willing to Pivot
There will always be growing pains when starting a business, but how you handle obstacles will determine whether your business grows or if it goes south. Whenever we invest our time, money, sweat and tears into something, it can be difficult to relinquish control of even the smallest things. We have a vision, and we want it to manifest exactly as we imagine it, but as time progresses, we must be willing to do minor, even major pivots, in order to reach our long-term goals.
Listen when customers provide feedback. Not all feedback is constructive, or even needs to be addressed, but if enough customers provide the same suggestions, it’s imperative to consider switching things up to accommodate their needs.
Trust your employees. After all, they’re the ones doing the work, day in and day out, so they likely know what works best. By implementing suggestions that they may have for things to run smoother, you are including them and making them feel heard and respected. They will then go beyond what is required to help you meet your business goals, as they feel invested in your dream. Treat them poorly, and you can find your turn-over rate will continually increase.
Know Your Products and Vette Them
It’s relatively easy to begin an online store nowadays, but how well do you really know your products? It’s important when building credibility with your customers and community, that you and your employees research and know as much about your products as you can, so you can quickly answer any questions that may arise. If you happen to not know the answer to a customer’s question, assure them that you will find out and respond to them in a timely manner, then follow through. When a customer feels valued, it is likely that they will return again. Also, make sure that any advertisements you have posted accurately depict products, so the customer is clear about what they will be receiving.
Offer Convenience for Your Customers, Such as Special Hours or Remote Ordering Options
Keeping customers satisfied also means providing them with added benefits, such as flexible hours or remote ordering options. For example, Payanywhere is a mobile payment app that provides customers with ample payment options, ensuring they enjoy a comfortable and hassle-free experience with your establishment. By meeting the clients halfway and providing them with multiple options and opportunities, they’ll feel like you’re going the extra mile for them and likely turn into a loyal customer as a result.
Make Sure Everything Runs Smoothly When Fulfilling Orders
With proper planning and ample employees, it's easy to make sure everything runs smoothly when you are fulfilling orders. The process will differ from industry to industry, as well as within each business, but several factors remain across the board. If there's a delay in shipping or it takes too long to get through an order, then customers will start getting frustrated. If something doesn't meet the customer's expectations, be sure to acknowledge it right away, so the problem can be solved as swiftly as possible. Mistakes will be made, but having a plan in place for when they do can make the process more efficient.
Keep Accurate Records of All Transactions
By keeping accurate records of all transactions, you can make sure that everything runs smoothly and efficiently. This also means being able to provide customers with detailed receipts for any purchases they may have made - which will allow them to know exactly what was provided in the package along with how much it cost!
Having this information readily available is important because if things go wrong (ex: the product arrives damaged), then at least there's proof as well as a paper trail leading up to their purchase so that both parties are protected from fraud or other illegal activities. So remember, keep your customers satisfied by providing excellent customer service while making every transaction run like clockwork, and keeping careful track of each order down to the very last detail.